As developments in automation take place, we commit to following new trends and advancements so that we can bring
experience and knowledge to guide you on making the best decisions for your business.

Tech-Tech-Niques Building Automation infographic of offered services


Building automation is the automatic centralized control of a building’s heating, ventilation and air conditioning, lighting and other systems through a building management system or building automation system (BAS). The objectives of building automation are to improve occupant comfort, achieve more efficient operation of building systems, reduce energy consumption and operating costs, and improve the life cycle of utilities systems.

We focus on helping you discover the advancement options available to meet your specific workplace objectives. The goal is to implement self-manageable technologies that promote a positive work environment and subsequently increase employee productivity. These added benefits are in addition to eliminating unnecessary time and expense from your daily operations.

With over 20 years of technology & communications experience, we bring an understanding of how vital systems operate and work together.

Select from the menu items below to learn more about:

Energy Management & Climate Control
Interior & Exterior Lighting 
Environmental Monitoring
Critical Systems Alerting
Industrial Automation Network Security


Controlling the interior climate and energy usage in your office may be the most important aspect of automation you can apply to your business as this can greatly reduce overhead cost associated with basic operations. Managing energy usage may also be the hardest to monitor and control on your own. This can be costly to you in terms of time and man power.

Thermal imaging can reveal problems from leaking HVAC to potential electrical problems.
Get a thermal imaging survey and report. Contact us to learn more!

HVAC heating and cooling, climate controls
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Climate Control Management
Learn how to remotely control and manage HVAC and/or generators that supply heating and cooling to your building. Scheduling preset hours to run your heating or cooling systems can save time and energy costs. It is also important to assess and manage areas differently based on use and occupancy.
Don’t incur hefty financial penalties from systems being inadvertently left on overnight or through a weekend. You will have the ability to monitor your usage and predict needs due to weather and seasonal changes.
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Sun Exposure/Shade Control
Electronic shade coverings that reduce sun exposure can be an irreplaceable asset to your office. By reducing overhead cost in heating and cooling, providing the right amount of ambient light for optimal working conditions, and eliminating harsh glare from computer screens which can cause eye strain.
Utilizing natural light can help reduce interior lighting usage, and can even increase security by concealing the interior of your offices from public visibility.

What is Peak Shaving?

Peak Shaving is a method of saving on energy costs by avoiding the utility companies peak energy consumption hours. These are the hours of the day that both business & residential users generally place maximum demand on the power company, such as running utilities and A/C. Your power company will be able to provide the range of hours per day that are peak usage hours, and for which hours they provide a reduced rate. Not only does this save you in cost, but a commitment to power company to run equipment during off-peak hours can allow them to plan accordingly. That cost savings can mean avoiding the need for added (costly) power plants to compensate for increased energy needs from natural accretion.

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Lighting control systems can deliver the optimal amount of light where and when you choose. Lights can automatically turn on, off or dim at scheduled times or under structured presets.
Users can also have control over lighting levels to achieve their desired working conditions. Lighting control helps to reduce cost and conserve energy by turning off or dimming lights when a room is not in use. It is also important for OSHA requirements, safety and productivity.


 Lighting control systems may include some or all of the following:

  • on/off and dimming controls.
  • occupancy sensors to detect whether rooms are occupied.
  • photo sensors to detect the current illumination levels provided by natural and/or artificial light.
  • scheduling that turns on, off, and dims at preset times

Placement of lighting outside your building with timed or motion sensor controls can play a part in the security of your building. Keeping your grounds well lit at night, especially near doors and entries, can help deter unlawful entry while making your employees feel safe to come and go.

Smart City, Building Automation

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Do you know the warning signs of elevated CO or CO2 Levels in an indoor setting?
What kind of risks are involved when there is a use of chemical agents within a place of business? i.e. factory, hospital, pharmacy, lab
What known precautions are being taken in an environment with high noise pollution?
Being proactive in monitoring environmental hazards as the ones below may seem like a minor priority, but could prevent serious health risks, injury and lawsuit. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) can be evident in even the most unsuspecting places due to human activities, personal care products, cleaning agents, etc.
And in the case of Oxygen levels, it is recommended that workers in any area where there is a handling of gasses, take the highest precaution to monitor O2 levels. Dangerous Oxygen levels provide no warnings signs as the gas is entirely odorless and non-visible (absence of vapor).
In general, people are coming into contact with, and even ingesting, more chemicals in both their home and workplace than outdoors. It is important to educate yourself on the elements in your environment and their potential impact on the people around you.

Lowered Oxygen

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Noise Levels

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Critical System Alerting will ensure you receive live updates should there be a change in state to essential equipment.
This may include: HVAC, UPS, & emergency back-up generators.
Many facilities rely on the security of having an on-site backup power source ready and available should anything occur to their primary electrical power. This is especially true in regions where weather can be a major factor. Severe weather and natural disasters are capable of knocking power out city-wide under extreme conditions. Hospitals, Supermarkets/Grocery Stores, Data Centers, Government Agencies, Hospitality and Restaurants… these businesses face the highest consequences in the event of this type of outage. If something goes wrong, you want to be the first to know.
An alerting system can give you the peace of mind, knowing that in the event of a system failure the appointed personnel will receive an immediate
tailored alert to their phone or e-mail (or both).

A ‘Remote Monitoring’ or ‘Alerting System’ are technologies with the ability to send alerts in the event of malfunction, faults, or any condition that would prevent your equipment from functioning properly. Most importantly, changes that may require immediate attention and intervention by a technician.

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Integrating Building Automation & Network Security.

If any part of your business is operating on automation and control systems, you could be opening a door for cyber attack. Network segregation is the only safe option to ensure your business is not vulnerable to virus and hacking that can decimate your internal structure. Safeguarding proprietary information is also top priority.
As part of our Advanced IT Solutions, TECH-NIQUES can create safe segregated network connections for both your traditional IT needs and your automated controllers. Systems at risk may include: wireless utility controls, HVAC, assembly line operators, security systems (including automated door lock/key card entry systems, and video surveillance), as well as back-up power generators. All systems using some element of wireless connectivity or Cloud operation.

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